Smart Soaker Cooling System

Soak the cows, save water, and reap the rewards of increased production on your farm.
Increase Production - Save Water
Soaking is Now Possible for Your Farm!

Soak the cows, save water, and reap the rewards of increased production on your farm. Soaking only when the cow is present and conditions are warranted, it lets you know that every drop of water yields a return on investment, all without wasting resources or overwhelming other systems. Smart Soaker makes soaking not only possible, but the profitable option for your farm.
The design and placement of the nozzles have been researched and tested to optimize the spray pattern, angle, and droplet size. These HEAVY droplets are large enough to:
Detects the Cow - Soaks the Cow
- Give your hard-working dairy cows the opportunity to stand in a cooling shower at the feedbunk to relieve their heat stress.
- Encourage your cows to eat and be cooled. They will reward you with more milk for a very healthy return on your investment.
- The payback is fast, predictable, and a win-win for the cows and owners.
- Smart Soaker is effective in any barn style.